REcreate WorkShops


REcreate WorkShops are a meeting point for sharing ideas & skills on how to create wealth from waste through arts & crafts.

We believe a change must happen in both industry and consumers habits, with a new attitude towards a better management of natural and material resources, production technologies and post uses. Because we recognize the importance of transitions in the process of changing rooted habits, we hope to inspire and arouse people’s imagination into recreating their own waste and unwanted things into either useful, recreational, exchangeable or simply beautiful items that will help clean the planet while changing this long lasting cycle of wastefulness.
We aim to contribute positively to make this happen by locally researching and virtually creating a network linking resources, techniques, people and ideas.
By collecting and recreating, we encourage the reuse of household and commercial waste through arts & crafts workshops, events and activities. We hope not only to raise awareness to the waste issue but also contribute to it’s reduction and inspire a change in both our consuming and DIY habits.
Ds workshops aim to deepen our understanding, research possibilities and promote upcycling as creative and profitable activities.
We develop arts & crafts entirely made from disused packages and other waste materials meanwhile giving workshops and activities to engage the community.  See descriptions below, book a workshop or buy a REcreation!
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. Featured in the Freddie & Cinnamon blog
REcreate Kiosk @ Canning Town Caravanserai, London, UK
.  REcreate WorkShops @ TimeBank Bromley by Bow, London, UK
. REcreations @ Mercadinho, Águeda’s fleamarket, Portugal
. REcreating live @Fleamarket, Aveiro, Portugal
Scarce Times: Alternative Futures, invited by 00:/ and alma-nac to support their (winning) Bow DIY pitch by presenting our REcreate Kiosk project to the local community at the Ghandi Foundation, Kingsley Hall, Bromley by Bow, London.

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